Sponsor Us!

We’re offering benefits to sponsors for who contribute or help manufacture parts.

  • Access to team resume book

  • Exclusive recruiting events

    • Info sessions

    • Guest speakers

    • Site visits

  • Logo featured on team apparel, competition rocket, website

  • Shoutout in a launch video



If you’d like to sponsor MARC or help our program by manufacturing or supplying parts please email nzemtzov@hmc.edu. Thank you for your support!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you/your company sponsor us?

MARC’s small team of students is pushing the boundaries of engineering. We build rockets for the joy of it and as full-time students at one of the most intense universities in the world our program cannot afford to function without the contributions of generous donors like you.

How do we spend the money?

All of the donations go towards our expenses, which are mostly materials and logistics. We do all of the work voluntarily.

What are the benefits of sponsoring us?

Along with our eternal gratitude, we offer many other things (depending on the size of your contribution), like publicity and access to top aerospace talent. More details can be found in the benefits table above.

Additionally, if there’s anything particular you would like from us, we’d be happy to discuss it with you. While we usually don’t offer personalized benefits to individual donors, we’re happy to reward larger contributions.

How do I become a sponsor? What if I have more questions?

Email our sponsorship coordinator nzemtzov@hmc.edu!